It is difficult to see a loved one struggling with their hearing. It is particularly hard to see this at a time of year when social interaction is so, so important. We are, of course, talking about the joy that is Christmas and we are only 6 weeks away until the big day now!
If you’re stuck for a gift this year, why not give the gift of hearing!
A long journey…
On average, it takes seven years from the time someone discovers they have hearing loss before they actually go and get hearing aids. Unfortunately, it is a long journey and the individual needs to be at the right part of that journey before they feel ready to begin wearing hearing aids. Wearing hearing aids in public is obviously admitting that you have a hearing loss to all those around you and some people do not find this easy. Your loved one may need your support and guidance to go and seek help from an Audiologist.
Give the gift of hearing!
It may seem like a strange concept to gift someone a hearing consultation. However, if you believe a loved one needs help then you would be doing them a great favour. The quicker a diagnosis is made, the quicker that the correct treatment can be prescribed. If this is hearing aids, then often they can be fitted within 2 weeks of an initial consultation. Having them in time for the festive season to hear the grandkids in their nativity, or carol concert, might just be the best Christmas gift anyone could receive.
We offer hearing consultations in our comfortable clinic in St Julian’s. We do ask that an individual has support at a hearing consultation. There are several different reasons for this and you can check them all out here. Another way you can give a loved one the gift of hearing is by being this support. You can attend the consultation with them and be there to support them with any decision making.

It’s so important to have support from a loved one during a hearing consultation
Top tips for the festive season
We have compiled a few tips for you to help a loved one at Christmas if you believe they are suffering with a hearing loss but are not ready to go ahead with a consultation:
- Find a quiet corner for them. Standing next to speakers or even in the noisy kitchen area is not going to be helpful. This will ensure conversations are heard clearly.
- Try to position them so they can see as many people’s faces as possible. Seeing the gestures and faces of whoever is speaking can help a person to lip-read and understand what’s being said.
- If you think your loved one is really, really struggling, we’re sure they would truly appreciate you discreetly helping them understand what has been said.

A family festive meal – don’t miss out on the conversation!
If you would like to enquire about our hearing consultation process, please give us a call.