Unfortunately, it is a conversation that is not as rare as you would imagine: “I’ve lost one of my hearing aids, what can I do?”. There are a few different options available to patients who lose a hearing aid…
Do people really lose their hearing aids?
Yes! Sadly, hearing devices are very small and can be easily mislaid. They can also be dislodged by hats and scarves when out and about if you are not careful. When you are not wearing your hearing aids, it is always best to store them in their case. They could easily fall out of a pocket and be gone forever. Even at night, it is best to store them in your case and not just on the bedside table.

Check their location on your app
If you are unlucky enough to lose a hearing aid, some of the newest hearing aids are actually able to be tracked via their app. It’s important to attempt to track an aid as soon as you notice it has gone. If you are able to track your hearing aids, you will be able to locate them quickly and easily.
Are they insured?
Some people decide to insure their hearing aids once they have purchased them. This can either be done by taking out an insurance policy just for the hearing aids or by adding a high value item to an existing house insurance policy. If your hearing aids become misplaced and you are unable to find them, if they are insured, you will be able to claim for them.
There are several ways an insurance company may deal with a claim. They may pay out for you to purchase a new pair or single hearing aid, depending on if you lost one or both of the aids. However, some companies may have specific hearing companies that they work with and may require you to have new hearing aids via them. It may be worth checking which route they would take before taking out a policy.
Is it time to upgrade?
If you’ve lost a hearing aid, it’s not insured and you’re unable to find it, your only other option is to purchase a replacement. At this point, you should consider how old the hearing aids were and whether it would be worth using this time to upgrade. Hearing aid technology evolves quickly. It might be that since you had your hearing aids, there are some new features you are interested in trying. A call to your hearing care expert will quickly answer any questions you may have. At this point, you may wish to book in for a demonstration of the new technology.

Time for a replacement
After you’ve explored every option and are still without an aid(s), it’s time to put it in a replacement order. If you have just misplaced one of your hearing aids, you should check with your hearing care expert that your current model is still available so that you can purchase a like for like model. If it is no longer available, then you will need to purchase a pair. This is because the aids will not work together if they are not the same make and model. Most of the time, hearing aids will be ready to fit within 2 weeks of them being ordered.
For further information about the range of hearing aids we offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.