There are lots and lots of different symptoms that we experience with a cold or the flu. These range from a runny nose to a cough and fever, but can also affect your senses. Some people lose the ability to smell and even taste. Another sense that can be affected is your hearing. Whilst the majority of people only suffer with temporary hearing loss due to cold or flu, it can unfortunately turn into permanent damage.
Temporary hearing loss caused by cold or flu
So, how do cold and flu symptoms affect your hearing? When you have a cold or the flu, fluid can build up in your middle ear. This blocks the sound reaching your eardrum. A tube called the Eustachian tube runs from your ears to your nasal cavity and this can become blocked when you’re ill. This temporary form of hearing loss is known as conductive hearing loss. This type of hearing loss will go away by itself when your cold or flu has passed.
Permanent hearing loss caused by cold or flu
Sometimes a cold or the flu can turn into an ear infection. This can affect your hearing and noises may sound muffled. The majority of ear infections are easily treatable with a trip to your GP and some antibiotics. If you do have an ear infection, it’s important that you look out for any of the following symptoms and seek medical advice if you do experience any:
- Dizziness
- Earache
- A feeling of pressure in your head
- Hearing loss or muffled hearing
You should always ensure that you finish a course of antibiotics, even if you believe the infection has cleared up.
If you repeatedly suffer with ear infections or you have one that is left untreated, this can lead to further complications which can include mild hearing loss. It’s really important to visit a hearing healthcare professional or your GP to get a hearing test if you think you have been suffering with a hearing loss after an ear infection.

If you believe you are suffering with hearing loss, please don’t hesitate to book in for a hearing consultation. For any further advice, please get in touch.