Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Troubleshooting

There will be times when things go wrong with your hearing aids, just as they can do with your phone. This is not an immediate cause for panic. There could be something very simple going on meaning that you can do your own hearing aid troubleshooting at home.

Why is my hearing aid dead?

When hearing aid troubleshooting, you need to be aware that there is usually more than one cause for any specific issue. The important thing is to identify the correct cause. There are a few different things that could be causing your hearing aid to be unresponsive. If you use battery powered hearing aids, then the first thing we would always suggest is to pop a new battery in. You should do this even if you think that the battery wouldn’t have run out yet.

If you have rechargeable hearing aids and they appear to have not charged overnight, it’s important to check the charger. If any dust or debris makes its way onto the charging contact in the charger, it will hinder its ability to charge. You should check the charger and the hearing aid for anything which could cause the contact between the 2 to be broken. Once you have tried both of these things to no avail, it could be time to contact your hearing care professional so they can check that nothing more is going on.

It’s important that no dust or debris makes it’s way into the charging case.

Why is my hearing aid whistling?

There are 3 main reasons that cause your hearing aids to make a whistling sound: ear wax, a bad fit or erosion on the actual hearing aid. It is very rare that a hearing aid would suffer from erosion so you can rule this out. Whistling caused by ear wax could either be because you have a build-up of wax in your ear or in your hearing aid filter. The first thing we’d suggest is changing your filter. This should be done at least once a month. If this doesn’t make a difference, you can book an appointment for your hearing care professional to check your ears. If there’s excess ear wax, they will be able to remove it safely for you.

Whistling can also be caused because either your hearing aid dome is not the right size for your ear or you are not putting your hearing aid in deep enough. We would advise that you book in for an appointment in this instance so that your hearing care professional can offer assistance.

Why am I not hearing as well as I was previously?

It’s important to keep on top of cleaning your hearing aids. The best thing to do first is to give your hearing aids a visual inspection. You will then be able to see clearly the areas that need cleaning. You can also decide which tools you require to remove any dirt. Begin by using a soft cloth to clean your aids gently. Do not ever use water or place your aids in water as this could ruin them. After you have wiped them over, you can begin to use a small brush to dislodge any ear wax that may have built up. Once your hearing aids are clean, you can assess whether you need to change the wax filters and domes (if applicable). We advise that these are changed at least once a month. This ensures they aren’t clogged up with wax and affecting your hearing.

If none of these solutions help, it’s time to book in for a service appointment with your hearing care professional. They can ensure there hasn’t been a change in your hearing loss. You can always give us a call for further advice.

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