People who haven’t had much experience with them often have the same misconceptions about hearing aids. We’re here today to put the record straight on some of those misconceptions.
1. Only the elderly require hearing aids
This is probably one of the most common misconceptions about hearing aids. Hearing loss is not just in the elderly. One of the many causes of hearing loss is ageing which is why people assume that hearing aids are only for the elderly. However, there are so many different causes of hearing loss which affect people from birth all the way through life. Hearing aids are designed for all walks of life whether that be in childhood, as a working professional or as a retired person in later life. Wearing hearing aids if you have a hearing loss will significantly improve your communication skills and all-round quality of life.
2. Hearing aids are huge and everyone will see that I’m wearing them
Today’s hearing are very discreet. Whether you opt for a slim behind the ear model or a virtually invisible in-the-ear hearing aid, they are no longer the bulky devices of years gone by. Hearing aids are comfortable and lightweight to wear. They come in a variety of colours to suit your preference and are often virtually undetectable.

3. I still won’t be hear well in a busy and noisy setting
Your hearing aids will be programmed to your specific hearing loss by your hearing care professional. They can also create programs for you to select for use when you are in particularly noisy settings, such as bars and restaurants. The hearing aids can have their background noise settings adjusted to help you hear more clearly when in these difficult listening environments.
4. Now I’ve got my hearing aids, I don’t need any further appointments
Hearing loss is typically a progressive condition and therefore a hearing loss needs monitoring regularly to ensure any changes are captured. We recommend having 6 monthly check-ups after having hearing aids fitted. The hearing aids can be reprogrammed at these appointments if there has been any change to the hearing loss. When you purchase hearing aids with us, the first 2 years of appointments are included.

Hearing aids are stylish and discreet so you don’t need to worry about wearing them. If you’d like some further information about the services we offer, don’t hesitate to get in touch. If you’re ready to book in for a hearing consultation, you can do this easily on our website.