Karrieri Magħna
Kun l-aqwa tal-ħajja tiegħek int. Ingħaqad magħna.
L-aħħar karrieri tagħna

Awdjoloġi u Konsulenti ENT

Appoġġ għall-Klijent

Appoġġ għall-Klijent

Marketing u Finanzi
Il-Benefiċċji tagħna
Aħna qegħdin hawn għal qabżiet kbar tiegħek. Biex tagħmel spazju għalik biex tipprova affarijiet ġodda. U biex toħloq opportunitajiet għalik biex tkabbar il-karriera tiegħek.

L-aħħar karrieri tagħna
Kompassjoni: “kuxjenza profonda tat-tbatija ta’ xi ħadd b’telf tas-smigħ u x-xewqa li ttaffiha”
Onestà: “il-kwalità li tkun ġust u veritiera”
Rispett: “rispett u stima għolja għall-oħrajn”
Integrità: “nagħmel xogħli mill-aħjar li nista’ anke meta ħadd ma jkun qed iħares”
Passjoni: “entużjażmu qawwi għal u devozzjoni lejn il-missjoni tagħna ta’ apparat tas-smigħ Premium u eċċellenza klinika, b’kuntatt personali
Esplora l-pożizzjonijiet miftuħa tagħna hawn
Job Description
Posted 4 Days Ago
Location Malta
Type Full time
Ref xxxx
Job Category
Audiologist & Hearing Aid Dispenser
Job Details
We are looking for an extraordinary Hearing Aid Dispenser / Audiologist to join our team.
You’ll be fanatically passionate about helping people choose the right private hearing aids and be CPCM registered. You’ll be working mainly from our purpose built clinic in Il-Bragg but will also conduct hearing tests at home and at other clinics and partnerships in the area. Commercial awareness and the drive to succeed and achieve is something you’ll already have as second nature.
In return you will receive a fantastic package comprising of a highly competitive salary with commission.
What you should have
The role of the Hearing Aid Dispenser / Audiologist is to carry out hearing tests and prescribe/sell hearing instruments whilst delivering excellent customer service and maximising area sales. In addition. You will be responsible for all aspects of follow ups and service/repair calls as well as aftercare for clients who have been prescribed hearing.
Personal Characteristics:
Target driven and commercial focus
Strong clinical and product technology skill set
Friendly, approachable with exceptional standards of customer care and service
Action oriented and decisive
Proactive, responsive, self-motivated, receptive to change
Works well under pressure and can prioritise workload
Ability to motivate and work well with colleagues
Strong computer literacy and numerate
Fully registered Hearing Aid Dispenser with a full driving license
Proven commercial experience
Job Description
Posted 4 Days Ago
Location Malta
Type Full time
Ref xxxx
Job Category
Audiologist & Hearing Aid Dispenser
Job Details
We are looking for an extraordinary Hearing Aid Dispenser / Audiologist to join our team.
You’ll be fanatically passionate about helping people choose the right private hearing aids and be CPCM registered. You’ll be working mainly from our purpose built clinic in Il-Bragg but will also conduct hearing tests at home and at other clinics and partnerships in the area. Commercial awareness and the drive to succeed and achieve is something you’ll already have as second nature.
In return you will receive a fantastic package comprising of a highly competitive salary with commission.
What you should have
The role of the Hearing Aid Dispenser / Audiologist is to carry out hearing tests and prescribe/sell hearing instruments whilst delivering excellent customer service and maximising area sales. In addition. You will be responsible for all aspects of follow ups and service/repair calls as well as aftercare for clients who have been prescribed hearing.
Personal Characteristics:
Target driven and commercial focus
Strong clinical and product technology skill set
Friendly, approachable with exceptional standards of customer care and service
Action oriented and decisive
Proactive, responsive, self-motivated, receptive to change
Works well under pressure and can prioritise workload
Ability to motivate and work well with colleagues
Strong computer literacy and numerate
Fully registered Hearing Aid Dispenser with a full driving license
Proven commercial experience